3 decades of rock, in convenient bite-sized pieces


#70 - Bad Medicine

Artist: Bon Jovi
Album: New Jersey, Crossroad, This Left Feels Right, One Wild Night Live
Other Versions: None
Era: Late 80s "hair metal"

Lyrics (TLFR)

Next to Runaway, this is probably the best intro to a Bon Jovi song ever as far as instant recognizability (holy Lord I just butchered the English language). You hear that modulated guitar and "oh my gawd it's Bad Medicine!". Oh and the spoken "bad medicine" right before the first verse helps.

I don't like Jon's voice in this song. It's too scratchy, I'm not sure if it's that scratchy on purpose or not but it just doesn't do anything for me. I want to hit pause and tell him to clear his throat and have a cup of tea before he tries singing again. Not just for aesthetic purposes, it sounds like it hurts. And that can't be good for his voice.

I like the keyboard in this one. It's subtle sometimes and other times I'm like "hey, I hear the keyboard! Awesome". And the drumming is just like "bammo". Tico's hitting hard (see I didn't say "pounding" this time because if I said "Tico's pounding hard" my mind would wander and mmm Tico) as Hell. I am so glad I'm not a drum. That shit would hurt.

(alternate joke: I wish I was a drum. Then my entire purpose in life would be to get pounded by Tico)


The guitar in this song is awesome. I'm not a big guitar fan (as you know because I keep on saying it) but this guitar solo is just excellent. It's exactly the mood of the entire song, condensed into a much shorter package with just one instrument. Nice.

I like how heavy the backing vocals are in this song. During the chorus Jon is just kind of an accent for the rest of the guys. I like it.

This one's FUN live. Fun enough that I can totally forgive how over-the-top goofy Jon gets.

The video is one of maybe five times I've ever thought Richie was hot. Stupid pants and dumb little dance aside. That part where he just glances over to the camera and smiles a little kind of makes me melt. And then I remember it's Richie I'm melting over and go find one of those pictures where he has no cheekbones, or one where he's all jowly, or one where he looks ten years older than he is. (Sorry, Richie fans. Look at it this way: more for you).

TLFR version = meh. They didn't butcher it, but they sure as Hell didn't do it any favors.

My Rating: 7/10

For tomorrow, a selection from Jon's Power Station songs:
  • Who Said It Would Last Forever
  • Stringin' A Line
  • More Than We Bargained For
  • Hollywood Dreams


Anonymous said...

Jowly...jowly!?! :O Noooo...well, yeah, lately I guess, just a teeny bit, but he's still hot. OK OK, now I feel like you do when someone says Tico has flabby arms. I vote Who Said It Would Last Forever since it's the only one that's really stuck with me.

Anonymous said...

Who Said It Would Last Forever, a catchy title. Richie might be not as slim as he used to be, but he hell rocks with his guitar!

Anonymous said...

Who Said It Would Last Forever. Great song!