3 decades of rock, in convenient bite-sized pieces


#103 - Burning for Love

Artist: Bon Jovi
Album: Bon Jovi
Other Versions: None
Era: early 80s "synth rock"


I shouldn't like this song. No one should like this song. It's cheesy and kind of generic and eh. But I like it, I do.

It's Jon. I like the way he sings it - drawing out some syllables, clipping others. He really messes with the words, and I like it. It's the second verse where he really does this - "Youuu're the vic.timit's. in. your. ey-eyes. Iiiiiii'm the sus.pect. and love's the crime. Ten. sions. mount. ing and bod. ies. ach. ing. Iiiii can't take theantiiiiciiiipaaation."

Because other than the way Jon sings, there's nothing to really set this song apart. How many songs on Earth do you think there are that rhyme "fire" and "desire", use that same "burning for you" kind of thing? Tons. And the guitar riff is cool, but nothing too new. The drumming is a fairly basic rock beat. The piano is nice, but not as good as most of the piano work on the album. It's something you'd expect from a band that's just starting out, not used to each other yet, so I can't be too hard on it.

This is a fun rocker that I have no guilt about occasionally forgetting it exists. Neat to sing along to.

My Rating: 5/10

Here Jon goes again on his own. Going down the only road he's ever known.
  • Little City
  • Queen of New Orleans
And I would like to congratulate Richie Sambora on his spectacular work making the cover of every gossip rag currently stocked in the school's convenience store.


Anonymous said...

little city

Anonymous said...

Queen of New Orleans.

Anonymous said...

Queen of New Orleans ... "interesting" video, no?

Anonymous said...

Little City.

Anonymous said...

Queen of New Orleans

Anonymous said...

queen of new orleans