3 decades of rock, in convenient bite-sized pieces


#46 - Thief of Hearts

Artist: Bon Jovi
Album: 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong (Disc 1)
Other Versions: None that I know of - originally written for This Left Feels Right
Era: N/A, This Left doesn't really fit in anywhere era-wise. Soundwise, it's kind of Bounce-ish.


The lyrics to this one are extremely unsettling. I read them out loud to a friend of mine, and reading them just kind of gave me a squicky feeling. It's creepy. I like them fine - they're creative, they're catchy, they're intelligent - but they're scary. The worst part, for me, is in the first verse where he says "it's alright". No it's not, you're stalking me and I'm scared of you.

Lyrics and creepiness aside, this is a nice upbeat song. I love the synth pad keyboard work, and the very simplistic guitar, and the downplayed drumming. It's mellow and cheerful, and if I could get past the lyrics it would be great to relax to.

But the focus is havily on vocals, and the vocals are singing the lyrics, so I have to pay attention to them. I think the problem comes mainly from the fact that, earlier in the year, the guy next door was really adamant about wanting to have sex with me. So now this song makes me think of him, because he was creepy too. He's given up, but the guy in the song persists.

It's a nice song musically, and if the lyrics weren't so creepy they'd be nice because they're not overly simple or cheesy or trying to be complex when they aren't.

But, seriously..."even the cops can't save you now"? I suppose that's why pepper spray was invented. Jon, dear, I love you, but please don't stalk me. Or musically threaten to stalk me. Please.

My Rating: 8/10

Edited 3/25/06: Added lyrics

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