3 decades of rock, in convenient bite-sized pieces


#41 - All I Wanna Do Is You

Artist: Bon Jovi
Album: 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't Be Wrong (Disc 4)
Other Versions: None that I know of
Era: Not sure - soundwise it's kind of Crush/Bounce-ish


After almost a full day of sleep and lots of coffee, I am totally back in the swing of things.

This song has several components that make it a surefire hit with me:
1. Churchy organ-ish keyboard
2. Cute lyrics
3. Catchy, extra-singable chorus
4. Innuendo

I like the way it starts - the drumstick clicking, then bang with all the instruments at once. And I like the idea of the churchy-ish organ as a backdrop to the "I desire naught but sex" lyrics.

It's an interesting tempo, upbeat and cheerful but not overly fast, and not particularly anthemic. It's kind of a "bob your head and sway" song, a "clap your hands" kind of tune. It's just so happy. Frankly, the entire song being about sex is secondary to just how damn pleased he is.

This is one of those songs where I just can't be in a bad mood while listening to it. And I hated it at first - Jon's voice is borderline nasal again, and when I was first obsessing over the box set, the borderline nasal was a big turn-off. But it isn't that bad, really. I was just being overy picky.

My one gripe about this is the guitar solo seems forced. There's a lot of Bon Jovi songs where it feels like someone said "well, Richie's pretty popular, maybe he should do a guitar solo" and then he half-assed it because it wasn't his idea and didn't fit. Not that it's not good guitar-ing, just it feels like an afterthought here. A hasty one, at that.

This is some of David's best piano work inside a Bon Jovi song. Listen to this, pay attention to the piano (not just the organ during the chorus, the piano during the verses) and just appreciate it. It adds so much to the song. Keyboardists in general are underrated, David specifically should be up on a pedestal for how good he is.

My Rating: 8/10

A couple things:
1. today is David's birthday, making the current age difference between us 26 years (until May). He's still second on my "to-do" list, with Tico holding on to first (too much information? probably). Anyway, uh, happy birthday, number two!

2. I am the happiest person alive, for today I found David's "How To Play Keyboards in a Rock 'n' Roll Band" video on eBay for a mere $9.50. I am convinced karma was paying me back for my iPod breaking within the first five minutes of my insanely long Greyhound ride on Sunday night

3. If you start taking a dietary supplement to boost your energy, you should cut down on your other caffeine intake. The walls are coming to life!

Edited 3/25/06: Added lyrics

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